Cocktail of the Month:
Chai Tea White Russian
This cocktail is all warmth and spice with our delightful and charming Chai Tea White Russian, the perfect companion for your Thanksgiving dessert. Imagine the cozy aroma of chai spices mixed into a velvety smooth blend, creating a sip of pure joy. This enchanting cocktail is not just a drink; it's a symphony of flavors that pair harmoniously with the sweet notes of your favorite Thanksgiving treats. Join us in raising a glass to the simple pleasures of the season, along with all that we are thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving! Cheers!
How to Make:
Makes 1 Cocktail
Chai Tea Simple Syrup
6 Chai Tea Bags (We like Tazo's Chair tea!)
1/2 cup Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
Chai Tea White Russian
2 oz. Titos Vodka
1 1/2 oz Kahlua
2 oz. Chair Tea Simply Syrup
2 oz. Heavy Cream
Garnish: Cinnamon Stick, Star Anise, & Ground Nutmeg
Chai Tea Simple Syrup
Bring water to a boil and add tea bags. Steep for 5-7 minutes, longer for a stronger taste. Add sugar and bring to a simmer over low heat, until sugar is dissovled. Set aside.
Chai Tea White Russian